

The loss of a child due to a juvenile dependency case can be profoundly stressful. It may feel that once the Department of Child Protective Services (CPS) gets their hooks into you that they never let go. Attorney Sandler can assist you with your Juvenile Dependency or Termination of Parental Rights case. These follow a strict legal process: 

Typically, the Child Protection team Investigator (CPI) will usually get an anonymous call. The investigator will determine whether the child needs to be immediately removed from the home. If the child is removed, a case worker will be assigned to the case and will become responsible for placing these children overnight. The following day, the parent will go before a judge for a “shelter hearing” and it will be determined whether there is probable cause for the children needing to find new placement. If the judge determines placement is necessary, the child will continue in shelter through an arraignment, which is an opportunity for the parent to answer to the charges. There are then two options for a parent facing these charges: 

  •  If a parent enters into a no-contest plea, they will give up the right to trial and will enter in a case plan. Case plans are made up of many components including securing access to stable housing, stable income, the completion of a parenting class, visitation, and the seeking of counseling dependent upon the cause for removal. The judge can assign a certain number of tasks to see the completion of the case plan, which must be completed one year from the date the child is sheltered. If the case plan is successfully completed, then the parent can be reunified with the child.   

  • If the parent does not complete the assigned case plan on time or the charge is so egregious the department can terminate parental rights, they will face a Termination of Parental Rights case. However, this doesn’t resign parents to the loss of their children. Attorney Sandler has worked for his clients to reach agreements with the department and to protect his clients from the termination of their parental rights.  

  • The alternative option is to go to trial, upon which CPS will have to prove allegations in their petition by a preponderance of the evidence. Mr. Sandler has extensive trial and litigation experience should you choose this option. 

If you are dealing with a Juvenile Dependency or Termination of Parental Rights, please contact below. With Mr. Sandler’s extensive knowledge of dependency law, he will secure the best possible outcome for you and your children.